i dreamt i saw you walking
up a hillside in the snow
casting shadows on the winter sky
as you stood there counting crows
one for sorrow, two for joy,
three for girls, and four for boys,
five for silver, six for gold, and
seven for a secret never to be told

there's a bird that nests inside you
sleeping underneath your skin
when you open up your wings to speak
i wish you'd let me in

from "a murder of one" ~ counting crows
Goodbye Ruby Tuesday

Can you tell yet that i love music?

it's strange because i can't play as single instrument with any kind of skill (well . . . ummm . . . MUSICAL instrument, that is) and i learned a long, long time ago not to date or really trust musicians, but most of my friends are musicians . . . i love my boys and try to make every show they play in the state, and NOT just because i know them. They are Syphon and i really wish they had a website so you could see them. Bridge (lead) is a really funny and so good at taking his sexy songs to a whole new level of sensuality; PB (keys / samples) is . . . well . . PB. He is also incredibly talented, wickedly intelligent, totally fascinating, and probably the most all-around attractive guy i know. But then i don't date, so what does that say . . . the rest of the band changes as local bands tend to but it is always a delicious dish to serve anytime and Roni LOVES THEM ALL! i finally broke down and bought her the low-rise flares in black pleather to complete her "club uniform" for when she goes with me to visit them.

i know, i know . . . but she lobbied hard for the pink & red snakeskin mini and i would rather see her in hell than in a pink & red snakeskin mini at 5 years old! My gay ex-BF, "Big Gay Al", pierced her ears the second time on one of their play dates when they went shopping together while i was working (I don't know why i didn't figure him out in the 2 months we were friends before we dated . . . he is so odd and so confused) and i get enough crap about her double-piercing, but you know, if i refuse some of the innocently fun things just because other people don't think it's appropriate but can't give me a real reason for it other than their riotous indignation & "it just isn't!" . . . am i really a good parent or a P.C. sheep? i AM the boss, but i fully expect to be able to explain the whys and wherefores of the decisions i make for my daughter (even if i don't tell her, i want to know i made an informed decision, not just followed the herd . . . )

Let us see . . . as for music other than local bands who ***ALWAYS NEED THE LOVE, SUPPORT, AND DEVOTION OF YOU ~ THEIR LOCAL FANS (so go hug a local band today!)*** (sorry ~ one of my soapboxes!) i love almost all kinds of auditory entertainment. My favorite genre has to be alternative and angry alternative at that. Something about big grown men yelling their pain out like little bitches with PMS . . . i find it strangely soothing and endlessly amusing. Following closely behind is the beautiful sounds of sad women singing. Portishead. Need i say more? My ultimate favorite artist is . . . DON'T LAUGH . . . Elton John. Has been since i was a child. He is just untouchable. Sacred. i collect his albums on vinyl. go me. or as my freaky lil sis, Nat, would say, "YAY!"

now, i have yet to really mention my family who i love and am lucky to have but would sometimes gladly sell into slavery. They really are great! My Dad is a big trippy freak and a card-carrying, gun-loving, truck-driving, boot-wearing redneck with the matching Dallas Cowboys & John Wayne shrines in his home. But he is also a really funny and intense guy with a razor-sharp wit and very dry sense of humor and penchant for making up hilarious spoof lyrics to any song and singing them much to the delight of his adoring granddaughter. i am blessed that he chose me. My mom is a book. No, wait, my mom READS books. She has been visited by "not-the-best-health" and spends her time between her books and work, but she faithfully comes home one night of the week for family dinner and spends her Sundays with Roni bonding over shopping and Cinnibons. She is the best as she has always learned from her mistakes and once told me " . . . don't ever get married until you live with them. You don't even HAVE to get married then unless you want to. Don't ever feel pressured by other people to do what they think is 'right', because they are NOT you and no one's life is so perfect so who are they to be telling you what to do?" i shortened it a little for Roni one day when i told her to "Question EVERYTHING. Never accept "that is just the way it IS' because that is usually the answer you give when you KNOW it's all crap. If you don't understand something, make them tell you WHY." ~{@ ~{@ ~{@ ~{@ ~{@ ~{@ ~{@ ~{@ ~{@ ~{@ ~{@ ~{@ ~{@ ~{@ ~{@ ~{@ ~{@ ~{@ ~{@

She would never say where she came from
Yesterday don't matter if it's gone
While the sun is bright
Or in the darkest night
No one knows, she comes and goes
Don't question why she needs to be so free
She'll tell you it's the only way to be
She just can't be chained
To a life where nothing's gained
And nothing's lost, at such a cost
"There's no time to lose", I heard her say
Catch your dreams before they slip away
Dying all the time
Lose your dreams and you will lose your mind
Ain't life unkind?
Goodbye Ruby Tuesday
Who could hang a name on you?
When you change with every new day
Still I'm gonna miss you . . .

"Ruby Tuesday" ~ The Rolling Stones


confessed on 2000-10-17