i dreamt i saw you walking
up a hillside in the snow
casting shadows on the winter sky
as you stood there counting crows
one for sorrow, two for joy,
three for girls, and four for boys,
five for silver, six for gold, and
seven for a secret never to be told

there's a bird that nests inside you
sleeping underneath your skin
when you open up your wings to speak
i wish you'd let me in

from "a murder of one" ~ counting crows
"you're always lucky . . . `till you get caught!"

HIP, HIP, HOORAY! i would like to take a moment and welcome my little bro, The Lil' Toaster Boy to D*Land! AVOO! Just so you know, yes, i did his page up, but HE made the background himself. He is bored and talented like that. He is 17 and well, go look at his profile . . . but be warned! i filled it in for him! He is smart but doesn't read much and has girl troubles ~ like how to juggle them all. sign his book if you think you can relate or advise. He is new to this and needs to find his own group of D*Landers to provoke thought, to react and respond to, to fit in with.

BTW ~ Hi, Brat! *vigorous waving*
UPDATE, YOU FREAK! *stern look*

On with the show! i fixed up Junky Munky and all i have left is Sarah's page. i am so glad i am back on the computer and at work where i can work and still fill in all the otherwise wasted moments with diary entries and page building. i felt so . . . well, sinfully slothful last week. i slept and rested so much i thing i go all week with less than 4 hours a night and still not feel it! (but i WON'T, k?! Back OFF!)

Everyone i know is all "woo-woo-we're-worried-about-you!" and all telling me not to do 'this' and 'that' is 'out of the question' . . . i will go totally postal on these people. They are sweet and all, but DAMN! i have one Mommy and she has been very helpful and wonderfully understanding through all this, but by now, even she is making me nuts. i know my limits and i will work within them and push them as often as i need to. You will never get anywhere in life if you sit around waiting for permission to breathe. You have to MOVE!

Speaking of moving . . . i get to go home today! i have been staying at my parents' casa this last week and i finally get to go home! i will be packing up and leaving so Mom can make that nasty dish for dinner with the pork chops and bell peppers i hate so much. i made dinner last night and it was GOOOOD! i cut and saut�ed up 6 chicken breasts in olive oil with a hint of garlic and onion, saut�ed a pound of mushrooms, and sliced fresh spinach into the Alfredo sauce all on a bed of linguini and it was a happy lovely dish! i do so love to cook! i clean as i go so there wasn't much left for the Lil Toaster Boy to do when he got home from work, so he was pleased.

Roni was pretty excited last night that she got to call a friend from school. Apparently, she spent almost an hour on the phone with a girl who, according to her previous statements, doesn't really exist . . . heheh! They planned out what they will wear today, when they will be having a sleep-over, what they will do, what they will watch, what they will listen to, and what they will wear on the sleep-over, who has what movies and CDs, and a whole assortment of really bad jokes . . . she was so cute and animated talking to her friend on the phone, i was tickled!

i think i will look at getting a short spacer for my tongue and look into doing voice work . . . that ought to be interesting. Like, read some books on tape and stuff. i love to read and i have been doing a pretty good job on The Secret Garden, so i don't see why i couldn't look around and see if there is anything available. i could read bed time stories!!! Heeheheeeheeeee!

"Don't Give it Up" ~ Chicane
"Don't worry if the sun don't shine, you've seen it before, ya don't need to worry . . ."
thank you DJ Crackbaby!


confessed on 2001-03-27