i dreamt i saw you walking
up a hillside in the snow
casting shadows on the winter sky
as you stood there counting crows
one for sorrow, two for joy,
three for girls, and four for boys,
five for silver, six for gold, and
seven for a secret never to be told

there's a bird that nests inside you
sleeping underneath your skin
when you open up your wings to speak
i wish you'd let me in

from "a murder of one" ~ counting crows
next time, indoors.

Yo. That�s all, just "Yo."

i ache all over and i am still tired and i had fun last night. Despite the bugs.

We had a good turnout for the Texas D*Landers' gathering and plenty of kids to go around. We all ended up dirty (at the least, dusty) and that is always a bonus!

i was running in circles all day at work and i need a new pair of shoes as my favorite pair is just gone and chasing kids was murder last night. i think Naomi would have cheerfully strangled my if i said one more word about my feet. (i didn't complain about the bugs, though! i couldn't change into comfy clothes and shoes, as they were under my desk at work. Stupid me.)

Tonya, Andy, and i left at 8:30 or so and i put Roni right into the shower and took off my shoes and i fell asleep immediately when i laid down on the floor to straighten and relax my back. i was seconds from a panic attack. Roni was pissed at me because she couldn't reach her towel, but she figured it out and did ok. She woke me up when she got out. i couldn't move. Not good.

i finally got up 10 minutes later and combed her hair and snuggled with her for a while and crawled off to bed, exhausted, only to wake up at 3 am with the beginnings of a sinus infection. i think it is allergy related. i took some Nyquil and went back to sleep. i think if i keep the antihist up i won't get sick. i need to drink more water, too.

For some bizarre reason there is a tape stuck in my VCR. it constantly makes a low sound somewhere between a "bbbbbbbzzzzzzzzz" and a "wwwwwwhhhhhheeeeerrrrrrrr" even when i turn it off. It won't FF, RW, PLAY of EJECT. i guess The Truth About Cats and Dogs is that they eat your VCR before the VCR can eat them. A sick sort of get-the-first-bite-in kinda thing.

"Fuck Off" ~ Kid Rock feat. Eminem
"Tell the world to hold their breath ~ they're breathing the wrong air!."
dedicated to my VCR


confessed on 2001-04-10