i dreamt i saw you walking
up a hillside in the snow
casting shadows on the winter sky
as you stood there counting crows
one for sorrow, two for joy,
three for girls, and four for boys,
five for silver, six for gold, and
seven for a secret never to be told

there's a bird that nests inside you
sleeping underneath your skin
when you open up your wings to speak
i wish you'd let me in

from "a murder of one" ~ counting crows
That's the way {uh huh, uh huh}
i like it

**** addendum at bottom! ****

i started to do this last night but i fell asleep on the futon and gave up after my second paragraph.

Maybe i shouldn't have had that chicken friend steak, but it looked so delicious and i wanted it so bad . . . it proceeded to tear my world apart the rest of the night, but i was right ~ it was delicious!

Now, it's the next day and i'm searching out music on the net, listening to "Lady in Red", and telling you all about my week.

i'm really sorry i don't get things tossed up here as often anymore. There has been so much going on and then, when we all come home, there is a line and i can't get up the desire to really push for internet time as i have a butt load of great books i have been reading. There's also the television that has been on a lot lately, too, so i have been curled up with my guys watching that when i'm not reading or cooking . . . it�s a comfortable life and we have become quite normal. Well, as normal as you can be when you kidnap stray internet friends and keep them!

All is well with Jian. In fact, he is in New Orleans right now for Mardi Gars with Tonya and Andy! The lucky little bastard! We wanted to go too, but Angel and i have Roni this weekend and both of us had to work Friday ~ ANGEL ALSO HAS TO WORK SATURDAY AND SUNDAY.

That really sucks a big one, let me tell you, and he wanted to quit and find a new job and i supported the sentiment, but i had to ask him to find the new job first then quit. i hated every second of that discussion, it was painful. i want him to do something he loves but i know how tight the job market is right now and that we won't make it without him.

Here's a quick rundown of my week ~ Monday was crappy at work since the server went down. Tuesday, it snowed. Wednesday was melting and tense. Thursday started awful but ended nice. Friday was slow and calm.

The Snow on Tuesday was awesome! Huge flakes like i've never seen before (but i did grow up in Texas) drifting out of the sky and sticking! Snow doesn't stick here! We picked up Mary and all went to dinner at Ton's Mongolian Grill ( "See you tomorrow!" ) and then played in a huge empty parking lot laughing and running and throwing snowballs at each other till we couldn't laugh any more! It was so perfect and happy for a little while, like a real family . . . i wished it would last forever!

Wednesday we were at Mom's for dinner and Dad's out of town so we taught out Mexican how to play Mexican Train and then i proceeded to kick everyone's ass even though my Mom tried her best to screw me at every opportunity. Damn bitch!

Then we all had to come home `cause i had to pee. i guess that's the way it goes, huh?

By Thursday, it was hot outside and the snow had melted, people were walking about in shorts. Go figure. Better yet, don't. i don't get it either.

i had to leave work early for a conference with Roni's teacher so we could figure out why she's such a bitch. Turns out she doesn't feel like she's a bitch but she has improved her attitude towards Roni in the last few weeks that she has been putting off this meeting and Roni no longer hates her. Since Myste kicked that slut out and moved back in with Chip, Roni's behavior has improved, too and she is happier, so she's also not getting into as much trouble.

We also stopped by OnPoint to pick up Angel's check and i got to visit with a few people i missed and some who missed me, too. It was really nice to go up there and have people excited to see ME for a change. i really don't ask for much, just that someone like ME best! i feel like such a queen right now.

i know i need to clean house this weekend but i don't feel much like jacking with it. Roni has finally cleaned her room so i think we'll go to Wendy's and get some chicken nuggets cause we're hungry.

**** Roni got stuck in the fence. ****
there is an iron fence down by the little park my building faces that seperates this complex from another one. the other one is a gated community. Roni slipped somehow through the fence and was wandering about in the other complex. She didn't find the girls she had been playing with and decided to slip back through before i caught her as i had been watching he with the binoculars at random times.
she got stuck trying to get through and managed to back up. She tried another, stuck again. This time she could not back up and so she started screaming.
my girl screams so loud i could hear her indoors from 300 feet away
(per Angel ~ but i think it's further than that)
yep, i heard her screaming and jumped up with the binoculars and then flew out the door to get her.
After 15 minutes of crying, we finally got her back on the right side and went home.
At seven years old, i think she might be too big to carry, but don't tell her. She was so sweet all wrapped around me like a little octopus snuffling on my shoulder.
Sometimes, i just don't understand her, but other times, i don't care if i ever do.
i just love my baby.


confessed on Saturday, Feb. 09, 2002