i dreamt i saw you walking
up a hillside in the snow
casting shadows on the winter sky
as you stood there counting crows
one for sorrow, two for joy,
three for girls, and four for boys,
five for silver, six for gold, and
seven for a secret never to be told

there's a bird that nests inside you
sleeping underneath your skin
when you open up your wings to speak
i wish you'd let me in

from "a murder of one" ~ counting crows
Throw the crib door wide, let the people crawl inside

Day four of me being a jobless slut.
(Thank you, Amy, for correcting me ~ whores are, afterall, gainfully employed!)

i will get my last check today as will Angel and i have called my agency about two times a day to no avail. We filed taxes on Tuesday, that will be enough to cover this month's bills, and rent . . . I just hate not working.

I have kept pretty busy, though ~ go check out The latest and BEST public diary! Jian came up with the idea and we were brainstorming on themes, but it was hell finding coffee pictures. Denis was ever so correct, not even on the internet can you find coffee flavored coffee. Coffee is now extinct, it's all gourmet or frappachino, etc. Sad. We even looked in the grocery store . . . no luck.

Speaking of grocery shopping, Jian and i went yesterday and we ended up spending $200. i had promised Jian some Tortilla soup when he got his job, and we were expecting the guests that never show, so i sprang for the stuff to make that and then got enough to last an additional week since the soup makes a whole bunch and we freeze the leftovers.

Roni was really good this six weeks and she made the 'Dean's List'!!!!! i'm so proud of her improving behavior at school, she even got to sit with us and watch Run Lola Run during the first half of the daily mis' Movie Education Program. We have been praising her school behavior daily and letting her know how excited and proud of her we all are while still working on her home behavior and i think she's coming around. If i could just get Angel to calm down a little and speak a little nicer . . . they sometimes stress me out ~ the way the two of them remind me of me and my Dad when i was growing up. Sometimes i just want to scream.

Oh, yeah, mis' Movie Education Program was originally Louis's idea, but it never happened, then Jian decided to take it upon himself to institute the plan ~ we watch one or two movies a night that i have never seen until we catch up on all the movies i never got to see. i will no longer be a heathen! Hhhmmm . . . well, i may still be a heathen if by that you mean, "a fey creature who refuses to wear shoes and does exactly what she likes all the time' but i won't be an un-movie-educated heathen anymore!

Anyway, on with life, and surround yourself with people you love, not things, because things can give a little comfort but they will never love you back or carry you when you fall on your ass trying to exit a burning building. They will simply smile their stupid smiles as they, and you, burn.

"Small Town Trap" ~ Eve 6
"Satan's in the livingroom
Choking me with apathy.


confessed on Thursday, Feb. 21, 2002