i dreamt i saw you walking
up a hillside in the snow
casting shadows on the winter sky
as you stood there counting crows
one for sorrow, two for joy,
three for girls, and four for boys,
five for silver, six for gold, and
seven for a secret never to be told

there's a bird that nests inside you
sleeping underneath your skin
when you open up your wings to speak
i wish you'd let me in

from "a murder of one" ~ counting crows
Don't make me put on my innocent face!

What should i write in here?

What is it that i need to convey today?

"Don't eat thumbtacks" seems to be a good message to convey, but is it honestly a necessity?
well, maybe for some people . . .

i am heating up a cup of apple juice so it will be tasty warm goodness on my poor throat (and in my stomach where it can keep the delicious sausage egg and cheese biscuit Jian bought me company).

i love breakfast food. It has to be one of the best foods in the world. Right up there with Chinese, Mongolian, Thai, Mexican, and Italian. OK, so maybe i missed a major culture in there . . . i just love food. Hey! That might explain something!

Last night Jian worked, neither of us felt much like cooking, so after 'tomorrow' FINALLY came causing Angel to do ALL the dishes (when all i wanted was for him to unload the dishwasher) we went to Buck`N'Loons and had chicken chunks, onion rings and fries that only cost a total of $22 after tip because we have a dining card thingy for discounts at tons of places. i had been craving their chicken chunks as they are totally awe-inspiring and luscious and the gravy is, well . . . GRAVY! It's always cool to be there ~ we just sit back and play NTN trivia and eat and relax.

Tonight, we are going to go to my Mom's for Pizza and dominoes, but NOT Domino�s Pizza! We will prolly do a load of laundry while we are there so that Jian can have clean work clothes. Then, we'll play Mexican Train `til we draw blood!

Tax Return, Tax Return, wherefore art thou, Tax Return?
We called the H&R Block place and they say it was accepted by the IRS just fine, but my return still isn't in my account. i'm getting antsy.

HEY! i updated twice yesterday and even asked a burning question but NO ONE SIGNED except The Doc!! Why do you ungrateful children not love me anymore? Or was that supposed to be 'apathetic and absorbed in day-to-day life'? Well, whatever it is, that was a valid query, so please see clear to answering it! Please?!?!?!

"Strong Enough" ~ Sheryl Crow
"i have a face i cannot show
i make the rules up as i go
It's try and love me if you can
Are you strong enough to be my man?

When i've shown you that i just don't care
When i'm throwing punches in the air
When i'm broken down and i can't stand
Will you be strong enough to be my man?


confessed on Wednesday, Mar. 06, 2002