i dreamt i saw you walking
up a hillside in the snow
casting shadows on the winter sky
as you stood there counting crows
one for sorrow, two for joy,
three for girls, and four for boys,
five for silver, six for gold, and
seven for a secret never to be told

there's a bird that nests inside you
sleeping underneath your skin
when you open up your wings to speak
i wish you'd let me in

from "a murder of one" ~ counting crows
Yep, i'm rambling again.

Waiting a week just didn't work for My Angel. We went out yesterday afternoon and bought two new rats. Both are girls, very young, very light, and came out of the same cage so they know each other. We pet them once every three hours or so and got them out once yesterday, but we stop by and say hi when ever we pass the cage, just to let them get used to us. We almost left the store thinking they had none, but they keep them in back and all the girls play with them on break and know them by sight and personality, so we felt good about buying from them. They, in turn, felt good about selling to us since we wanted pets, not feeder rats.

Our new girls don't have names yet, so go play on Angel's page and leave suggestions. He describes them pretty well there and i made a sexy new template for him, i think you'll like it. i personally love playing with the picture . . .

Just out of curiosity, does anyone out there want a template made? i have several ready-to-wear and i can totally make custom designs after reading your diary and hearing what you like. Just click on the 'Free Sex' link to see what is up for grabs now, or my older page to see what i've done in the past. There is no cost, no wish list, no favor to return, i do this because i like to and because i learn things. If you can host your pics, it's great, if you can't, let me know as I may be able to. i do front and older pages, guestbooks, get string books, pitas, and whatever else you need. i even help with maintenance when you start signing up for rings and taking tests with pics on them. Also, this would be the best time to ask since i'm not working right now.


confessed on Monday, Mar. 18, 2002