i dreamt i saw you walking
up a hillside in the snow
casting shadows on the winter sky
as you stood there counting crows
one for sorrow, two for joy,
three for girls, and four for boys,
five for silver, six for gold, and
seven for a secret never to be told

there's a bird that nests inside you
sleeping underneath your skin
when you open up your wings to speak
i wish you'd let me in

from "a murder of one" ~ counting crows
touuuuuch it! feeeeel it! It feeeeels gooood!

Damn it. Nothing ever happens around here that would need to be documented so badly that i should miss loving or sleep.

At least not lately.

That is not exactly a bad thing, though it's not great, either, i guess. It just IS. i have been so damn boring that even the voices in my head bailed on me. Sad, really.

Let me see . . . i have been busy and drained with no middle ground since this is my first week answering the phones and though i don't HATE it . . . i'm not dancing about it, that's for sure!

i shaved my head.

The system they do all the work in sucks the big fat burrito Francis the talking mule laid back in 1978. It goes down constantly and is slower than a bad fuck gone wrong. This is the most unstable program i have ever witnessed. i have no idea how they have managed to stay in business when this system ties it all together. Don't get me wrong, the service is great ~ i have a phone, myself ~ but the customer service will suck it every time if you are asking something that can't be found in their Google-ish web-style intranet database of FAQ's and M&P's. you would do better for yourself to deal with the automated chick and the website. You get fewer fees that way, too. Maybe 5% of my calls are things that customers could NOT have done themselves.

Only half of it is gone, though.

i don't get weekends off. No big surprise there. Angel is looking for another job since OnPoint gave away a huge bunch of their office furniture and other supplies. It was so weird. Now, we look like the Office Furniture Fairy has graced our living room with desks! Its just too exciting for words, let me tell you . . .

i made Tortilla Soup on Monday and it was the best batch so far. The boys raved and Roni backed them up. Last night was Shrimp Fettuccini Alfredo Florentine and that was nummy. Tonight is whatever my mom makes for dinner.

Tomorrow i go purple again.

Oh, that huge mock-entry was this great joke i have been looking all over for. Angel got a friend of ours to clandestinely send it to me from his email. you really ought to go read it when you're having a shitty day. it's one of the funniest damn things i've ever read and never gets old. i used to have a printout of it and i'd make a game out of naming as many movies all the screwups were in. It would keep me amused for HOURS and HOURS, but then, i am easily amused. Just give me a box or some string . . . maybe a stick or something and i'd be busy for days.

0 Suckerpunch

confessed on Wednesday, May. 01, 2002