i dreamt i saw you walking
up a hillside in the snow
casting shadows on the winter sky
as you stood there counting crows
one for sorrow, two for joy,
three for girls, and four for boys,
five for silver, six for gold, and
seven for a secret never to be told

there's a bird that nests inside you
sleeping underneath your skin
when you open up your wings to speak
i wish you'd let me in

from "a murder of one" ~ counting crows
Boss' Day

Monday, dubious Monday . . . .

i do have to say, i am with Garfield all the way on the Monday thing. If could even just rename it some thing else . . . i doubt a happy name would change it's demeanor much, though. It would have to be a warning label kind of name like "Rageday", "Blueday", "Offday", or even the ever-popular (at least where i work) "you-gotta-be-kidding-i-have-to-go-back-to-work-today?" i TRIED to explain to Stumpy that it really wouldn't fit on the calendar but got nothing but song titles as a reply . . . he is a bit off, but i guess i still love working with him!

Go Lil' Lizzy Borden! She & Stumpy will be getting married in May of 2001! She is the uber-smart chicky who snapped up one of the few really great guys . . . and if you are wondering ~ he earned the moniker thusly: The first time i met him was when we had our panel interview for the job we both have right now (We are the GODS of the call centre! We are the manipulators! We are OPERATIONS SPECIALISTS!) Now, granted a panel interview with four people vying for a job is not the best time to make a first impression, but i really thought he had "all the whopping personality of a tree stump" and i told him so later when i was relieved that he really was an amazingly cool guy. We still laugh about that . . .
He is a rabid, and i mean, PSYCHOTICALLY RABID, Dallas Stars Fan and loves obscure, really moronically dumb alternative songs like the ultimate worst "The Bone China Boy" by King Missile. He is such a freak. But the BEST part of working with Stumpy is that we both will break out in song at the oddest times . . . sometimes SIMULTANIOUSLY! We will also sing alone but strangely, we only act this way when we work together (our insanity is somewhat confined).

So, Today is bosses� day and we had a blast with my Boss, Ra. (sounds like "Ray") She is actually, honestly, a really cool boss! She is single, young and beautiful, so good men ONLY, please! We always have fun at work as odd as that sounds . . . being responsible for all the stats and important "real-time" details of running a call centre can be a little crazy and stressed so we (as a department) are pretty close and EVERY one of us is nuts! Even Little Timmy. He thinks not, but that�s what he gets for thinking, now, isn�t it? Ra rules us all with a whip and chocolate and decided a long time ago that if she ever took anything home from this job, it was parenting skills (now she's set if she ever decides to settle down!). Now as for HER boss . . . well, let�s not even START with Captain Confusion! And i DO want to take this moment to say "HI, FREAK!" to Gunk Boy who always makes the morning somehow worth the mad rush i go through to get to work on time . . . and i must say that's a nice stain you have on those horsehead bookends!!!!!!!! ~{@ ~{@ ~{@ ~{@ ~{@ ~{@ ~{@ ~{@ ~{@ ~{@ ~{@ ~{@ ~{@ ~{@ ~{@ ~{@ ~{@ ~{@ ~{@

Six o'clock already
i was just in the middle of a dream
i was kissin' Valentino
By a crystal blue Italian stream
But i can't be late
'Cause then i guess i just won't get paid
These are the days
When you wish your bed was already made

�Manic Monday� ~ The Bangles


confessed on 2000-10-17